Where Extraordinary Women Gather to Create Extraordinary Lives

This membership is the gateway to life-changing coaching and a community of extraordinary women.

Monthly Focus for 2025


Goals Extraordinaire

Mind Extraordinaire



Romance Extraordinaire



Wealth Extraordinaire



Time and Energy Extraordinaire



Business Extraordinaire



Communication Extraordinaire



Friendship Extraordinaire



Leadership Extraordinaire



Body Extraordinaire



Spirituality Extraordinaire



Impact Extraordinaire



Finisher Extraordinaire


Fēmina Extraordinaire Manifesto.


We are Fēmina Extraordinaire. We are extraordinary women.


We lead from our hearts.


We live outside of our comfort zones.

We set boundaries that allow us to be free and wild. We are unapologetically our unique selves.


We know that half of the time life is hard, and we embrace the challenge. The other half we celebrate our wins, lessons learned, and victories. We embrace the changing seasons of our lives.


We are spiritual and trusting women.


Our bodies are strong, and our minds are even stronger.


We are sexy and feminine. We are the most passionate women you will meet.


Time is our most valuable asset.


Extraordinary friendships are everything to us.


We make lots of money because we help lots of people and bring lots of value into the world.


We create opportunities for our families. We don't ask our husbands or partners for permission. We are the breadwinners of our families.


We support charities in big ways.


We know that collaboration is more abundant than competition. We believe that we rise TOGETHER.


We are risk takers, movers and shakers. We are solution focused.


We are amazing at resting, nurturing, and pausing. We live in harmony with and in awe of nature.


We are not interested in how the world defines success. We create our own standards for success. In our definitions there are no limits.


We are Fēmina Extraordinaire.




Community Support

Our community of women is unlike anything you have ever experienced.

It's extraordinary.

Grow at Your Pace

With monthly masterclass experiences and biweekly coaching calls, you will have everything you need to live your extraordinary life.

Personalized Group Coaching

The magic of unique coaching and unique mentorship with Selena, because YOU are unique.

We become like the people we surround ourselves with.

In the Fēmina Extraordinaire Membership, you'll be surrounded by women who dream big, live their best lives, solve problems, and WANT to grow.



Mary Haddad

“Joining Selena’s Mastermind class has been an absolute game-changer for me! The combination of group coaching sessions and personalized one-on-one guidance has truly empowered me to transform my ideas into positive and constructive actions. Selena’s expertise and encouragement have been invaluable in helping me navigate challenges and unlock my full potential. I highly recommend this class to anyone looking to turn their aspirations into reality. Thank you, Selena, for your incredible support and mentorship!”

Brandy Robbins

“As a coaching client, I have experienced exponential personal and professional growth.  I have learned how to identify what I want to create in my life and with confident decision-making skills, take action (sometimes massive action!) to get the results I want.  When life throws curve balls, I am better equipped to adapt and trust that things are not happening TO me, but FOR me.  I have learned how to identify time leaks, stressors, and when I am indulging in negative thought patterns.  Coaching has given me the confidence to connect with my inner teacher and trust that I have all the answers I need to continue to step into the best version of myself.

Being a part of The Women's Mastermind comes down to three words for me:  support, accountability, and motivation.  This group cheers for, cries with, and challenges each other to embrace our unique facets no matter what season of life we are experiencing.  It's so wonderful to realize, "I am not alone".  We  need each other and I am a better person for having been a part of this exclusive group.”


“Meeting weekly with Selena has been a compass for my desire to improve my current life so I may enjoy a healthier future self. While addressing all my layers that I want to change, she guides me with factual information which I implement to keep my progress on track. As I make constant choices for my positive change, I frequently share the golden nuggets of wisdom with a family of friends and have witnessed their progress as well. Reflecting weekly helps me fine tune my goals while addressing my wins and challenges. Choosing to have Selena as a life coach has been one of my smartest self-investments. I'm grateful for this rich relationship of guidance Selena offers to me consistently ♡.”



Start Living Your Extraordinary Life Now in Power and Abundance

The gateway to living experiences of power and abundance.

Where the voice in your head telling you that you'll never be enough, and you'll never have enough is faced and transformed into a voice of love, pride, power, and abundance.

Start Living Your Extraordinary Life Now.

Experience the Power and Abundance Masterclass Experience for Free.

Everything we send is extraordinary. Unsubscribe at any time.